For the Fiscal Year July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024
Community is at the heart of everything we do, and it’s the community that makes ArtsWatch. It’s people who are committed to an essential trade that in turn supports the entire creative community. And it’s people who recognize that storytelling has the power to connect, engage, and make a difference.
We continued to build our capacity this past year to meet our growing needs. As this annual report shows, 91 people contributed to our coverage and operations. We economically supported 78 people, 23.8% more than the year before. It’s all about people.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to Oregon ArtsWatch in 2023-24 and made our essential arts journalism possible. It’s a privilege to serve our community.
Our Reach and Our Impact
- 761 stories published
- 317,184 users
- 870,360 page views
- 7.73 million Google impressions
- 82,943 clicks
- 91 staff, contributors, board, and contractors
- 78 people we economically supported, a 23.8% increase from last year
- 94% of our budget went to pay people
- 73 sponsors. We donated $35,410 in ad space and provided $15,868 in trade to cultural organizations, totaling $51,278.
Read the full report below.
Read our previous annual reports: