Pat Rose

Pat Rose is a Portland-based photographer whose work includes landscape, street, portrait and botanical photography. She is a retired English as a Second Language teacher who has taught in Saudi Arabia and Turkey, in Austin, Texas, and most recently at Portland State University. She has shown her work in various juried group exhibitions in several galleries around the country, and her landscape photos have been published in two outdoor guidebooks. Much of her work can be found on her website at

Opal Creek Wilderness: A story of survival

Decades of battle over a pristine old-growth forest climaxed with the devastating 2020 Beachie Creek fire. But new growth is happening – and photographers are documenting a rebirth.

Adams & Levy ~ In Their Time

The story of the great landscape photographer Ansel Adams and Portland photographer Stu Levy.

Women of Art ~ A Visual Life, 3

In the final of a three-part series, Pat Rose talks with photographer Susan Bein abut her influences and her iPhone art.

Women of Art ~ A Visual Life, 2

Part two of a three-part profile of creative Portland photographers features Laura Kurtenbach.

Women of Art ~ A Visual Life, 1

Pat Rose profiles three of Portland’s most creative photographers. Part 1: Grace Weston.

Chasing the Light

Shining through: Astoria's LightBox Photographic Gallery is a bright beacon in dark times.

Weathering the Storm

Portland’s innovative photographic arts center Blue Sky Gallery rides out the pandemic.

Focusing in Isolation: Part 2

Photogs Zeb Andrews, Susan de Witt, Julie Moore, Motoya Nakamura, Deb Stoner on work during pandemic.

Focusing in Isolation

Voices from the Front: Portland photographers reflect on their work during the pandemic. Part One.