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Beyond numbers, demographics, and selling tickets, ArtsWatch provides necessary support for the arts:

● High-quality cultural news and critical analysis you don’t find anywhere else.
● An opportunity to keep audiences engaged and educated.
● Marketing gold in quotes and links.
● Vital feedback.
● Validation for grants.


Sponsorships help us to tell your stories. Be part of this stellar lineup:

45th Parallel
Adams and Ollman Gallery
Affordable Art for Everyone
Agnieszka Laska Dancers
All Classical Portland
American Guild of Organists
Architectural Heritage Center
Art in the Pearl
Artists Repertory Theatre
Arts Council of Lake Oswego
Ashland Gallery Association
Ashland New Plays Festival
Astoria Open Studios Tour
Asylum Theatre
A-WOL Dance Collective
Bag & Baggage Productions
Beaverton Arts Foundation/Patricia Reser Center for the Arts
Berto Boyd Presents
Blackfish Gallery
Blueprint Arts
Bonnie Bronson Fellowship
Boom Arts
Bridgetown Conservatory of Musical Theatre
Broadway Rose Theatre Company
Cannon Beach Arts Association
Cappella Romana
Cascadia Composers
Chamber Music Northwest
Chehalem Cultural Center
Circa Now
City of Hillsboro
City of Portland
Clark County Open Studios
Clay Fest
Clowns Without Borders
CoHo Productions
Corvallis Guitar Society
Corrib Theatre
Crow’s Shadow Institute of the Arts
Dance Wire
Danna W. Schaeffer
David Slader Artist
Deep End Theater
Delgani String Quartet
Dianne Jean Erickson
Driveway Jazz Series
Echo Theater
Elisabeth Jones Art Center
Elsinore Theatre
Enlightened Theatrics
Eugene Ballet
Eugene Opera
Eugene Symphony
Experience Theatre Project
Fear No Music
Fertile Ground
First Presbyterian Church
Four Rivers Cultural Center
Friends of Chamber Music
Future Prairie
The Gallery at Ten Oaks
Grants Pass Museum of Art
The Greenhouse Cabaret
Grey Raven Gallery
Hallie Ford Museum of Art
Hallowed Ground
Hanson Howard Gallery
High Desert Museum
Imago Theatre
The Immigrant Story
In Mulieribus
Jamuna Chiarini
Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art at PSU
Karin Clarke Gallery
Kerry Politzer, Bossa PDX
Lake Oswego Festival of the Arts
Lakewood Center for the Arts
Laura Streib for Portland District 2
Lewis & Clark College Music Department
Lincoln City Cultural Center
Lincoln County Historical Society
Linfield University
Literary Arts
Local 14
Lovegood Performing Arts Company
Many Hats
Maryhill Museum of Art
McMinnville Short Film Festival

Metropolitan Youth Symphony
Michael Allen Harrison
Moonstruck Chocolate
Mt. Tabor Art Walk
Murdoch Collections
Newport Symphony Orchestra
NW Children’s Theater & School
NW Dance Project
NW Dance Theatre
NW Vocal Arts
Open Space
Opera Theater Oregon
Orchestra Nova Northwest
Oregon Artists Series Foundation
Oregon Bach Festival
Oregon Ballet Theatre
Oregon Children’s Theatre
Oregon Coast Council for the Arts
Oregon Contemporary Theatre
Oregon Cultural Trust
Oregon Humanities
Oregon International Ballet Academy
Oregon Jewish Museum and Center for Holocaust Education
Oregon Mozart Players
Oregon Origins Project
Oregon Repertory Singers
Oregon Symphony
Oregon Visual Arts Ecology Project
Pacific Maritime Heritage Center
Pacific Northwest College of Art
Parallax Art Center
PassinArt Theatre Co.
Patrick Lamb
Polish Library Association
The Portal Project
Portland Area Theatre Alliance
Portland Art Museum
The Portland Ballet
Portland Baroque Orchestra
Portland Bead Society
Portland Center Stage
Portland Chamber Orchestra
Portland Columbia Symphony Orchestra
PCC Rock Creek/Experience Music Series
Portland Open Studios
Portland Opera
Portland Piano International
Portland Playhouse
Portland Revels
Portland Shakespeare Project
Portland State University College of the Arts
Portland Youth Philharmonic
Profile Theatre
Push/FOLD UnionPDX
Regional Arts & Culture Council
Resonance Ensemble
Salem Art Association
Salt & Sage Productions
Schneider Museum of Art at Southern Oregon University
Seattle Opera
Seattle Repertory Theatre
Sherwood Center for the Arts
Silent Voices
Siletz Bay Music Festival
Siren Nation
Sitka Center for Art and Ecology
Soo Wei Celeste Tomaszewski
Studio Art Quilt Associates Oregon
Stumptown Stages
Sunriver Music Festival
Swingin Sounds
Tango Argentino
The Theatre Co.
Third Angle New Music
Tilikum Chamber Orchestra
Transitional Youth
Travel Portland
Triangle Productions
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral
Tualatin Valley Creates
Tualatin Valley Symphony
Valley Art Association
Vancouver Symphony Orchestra
Walters Cultural Arts Center
Washougal Arts and Culture Alliance
Western States Arts Federation
White Bird
Willamette University
Willamette Valley Vineyards