Composers of America. What a long and impressive list. But in this crossword, you will find only twenty-four. You’ll know some, at least in name, but may not know others (so read on for some hints). Choral, symphonic, chamber, stage, film, and solo works are represented. The earliest born composers are Erich Wolfgang Korngold (1897) and George Gershwin (1898); the youngest composers are Jake Runestad, Nico Muhly, and Caroline Shaw. Several American composers who were awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Music are included: Henry Threadgill, Aaron Copland, George Crumb, David Lang, and Caroline Shaw. Some composers immigrated to the United States and became citizens, most were born in the U.S., and a couple have even had the privilege of calling Oregon their home.
Enjoy solving the puzzle and learning more about some of these American composers. SPOILER ALERT: composers not named above are listed below (with links) so you can learn more about them.
American Composers – Click here for an interactive puzzle you can fill out in your web browser
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Libby Larson, Undine Smith Moore, Dorothy Rudd Moore, John Cage, Robert Kyr, Morten Lauridsen, Charles Ives, Leonard Bernstein, Desi Arnaz, Scott Joplin, Duke Ellington, Glenn Miller, Philip Glass, Woody Guthrie, Randall Thompson