Patrons designed promotional logos for the library and, during a “Library Love-In,” wrote postcards about what the library means to them.
December 29, 2024Amy Leona Havin
A new home for Literary Arts, a new poet laureate, some major library remodels, an overflow of book festivals and a shelf full of new books by Oregon writers put a shine on the literary year.
December 24, 2024Amanda Waldroupe
Most challenged books in Oregon have LGBTQ themes or authors; proposed legislation would make it illegal to censor books about protected classes.
December 23, 2024Amanda Waldroupe
Libraries have ordered more copies to keep up with the sudden demand to read books that some would ban.
December 22, 2024Amanda Waldroupe
The most common reasons for book challenges include unsuited to age group; LGBTQ content; depicts sex, nudity, abuse; or contains profanity, according to the State Library of Oregon's 2024 report.
April 30, 2024Amanda Waldroupe
In Oregon last year, “inappropriateness for children” maintained its top spot in book challenges. For the first time, it tied with another concern: that the book’s content was LGBTQ.
April 6, 2024Garret Jaros/
The plan to make up the balance needed for the $1.45 million project now goes to the City Council.
March 10, 2024Randy Gragg
Sure, there will still be books, but get ready for big changes in the libraries emerging from 2020’s $387 million bond.
February 25, 2024Bob Hicks
As Central Library reopens in downtown Portland, The Library Foundation takes on new leadership. Plus: A new leader for the Parks Foundation; talking Nevelson and Neel at PNCA.
February 23, 2024Amanda Waldroupe
The 65-year-old Grants Pass library has not kept pace with the city's growth; funds from the Cow Creek Band and a bill before the Legislature would help pay to replace it.
January 3, 2024Amanda Waldroupe
In small towns, libraries are often the only places that host art and cultural events. Librarians say grants, such as one open this month from Oregon Humanities, are crucial to making that happen.
November 8, 2023David Bates
The library has weathered budget and staff cuts, an unwieldy inventory, and the pandemic to deliver everything from books to workshops, games, and homeless outreach to the Yamhill County community of 2,200.
November 1, 2023Jean Zondervan
The popular library system is using its bond-funded resources to expand its free arts and cultural opportunities at neighborhood libraries, with the programs offered determined by the diverse communities themselves.
June 17,
The grant from The Ford Family Foundation of Roseburg is believed to be the largest single private foundation award in city history.