Fertile Ground ’21

Building Resiliency with the Arts

Portland's I Am MORE helps traumatized young people heal by sharing their stories

Fertile Ground 2021: The Aftermath

Covid changed the game for the new-performance festival. But going virtual was a renaissance, not a retreat.

Belling Shakespeare’s cat

Fertile Ground 2021: Sue Mach's "Madonna of the Cat" fills in the 16-year gap in Shakespeare's "Winter's Tale."

Looking for light, packing a punch

Fertile Ground 2021: In "Livin' in the Light," opera singer Onry seeks a space for a Black man to breathe.

Days of Fezziwig past

Fertile Ground 2021: An overlooked character from "A Christmas Carol" gets his close-up in "Fezziwig’s Fortune."

A room with a redemptive view

Fertile Ground 2021: "The November Project," which takes place in a bathroom, has roots in a life-turning crisis.

Strike up the virtual festival band

ArtsWatch Weekly: Fertile Ground marches on, film fest updates, Hal Holbrook on jackasses & politics.

A ‘Hot Mess’ of a zombie jamboree

Fertile Ground: Mark LaPierre and Ian Anderson-Priddy's zombie comic-book musical will make your pulse rush. If you have one.

The rhythm and meaning of Lilies

Fertile Ground 2021: Joni Whitworth and Hannah Piper Burns find the mythic amid the reality of Covid-19.

DanceWatch: Jan-bruary is the resilient month

We are still dancing, but mostly we are watching dance on screens. And we are getting better at it, too.

Tough questions, tough answers

Fertile Ground 2021: Lisa Collins' "Be Careful What You Ask For" delves into a Portland killing and issues of race.

Martha Bakes in Black & White

Fertile Ground 2021: Don Wilson Glenn and Damaris Webb take a spin through the first First Lady's kitchen.

Fertile, Grounded, Virtual & Here

ArtsWatch Weekly: Portland's festival of new performance goes online, finding the people in the picture, more.

Interactive cookies and scares

A baking show and an augmented reality game at the Fertile Ground festival mix viewing with performing.

Fertile Ground 2021: Digital seedlings sprout

Portland's annual festival of new works, running Jan. 28-Feb. 7, has become a garden of virtual theater.

Fertile storytelling for our time

ArtsWatch Weekly: Sharp virtual turn for Fertile Ground '21, extraordinary ordinary tales, The Immigrant Story.