There's plenty of art to love in Oregon this February. Raylee Heiden rounds up some standout options.
December 3, 2024Raylee Heiden
December's picks highlight cycles of change in everything from the natural world to drag festival fashion. Also featured this month are holiday market options - gifting is cyclical too!
November 6, 2024Raylee Heiden
While November's dark and cold may discourage leaving the house, there are plenty of art exhibits to entice you out and about.
October 1, 2024Raylee Heiden
There are many ways to mark and reflect upon the passage of time. This month's picks for VizArts Monthly capture the phenomenon in everything from fashion to clay to obsolete technology.
September 4, 2024Raylee Heiden
Summer is going out with a confusing bang: The last two weeks of August were cool and rainy but September is starting with a heat wave! Fortunately the gallery scene is heating up, too.
July 31, 2024Raylee Heiden
Despite July’s theme of slowing down, I still feel like it came and went so fast! Even so, my efforts did yield some results: I started noticing small details of…
June 30, 2024Raylee Heiden
As we head into July, art offerings around Oregon offer opportunities to slow down and contemplate memories, ancestors, and landscapes (among other things). Raylee Heiden rounds up some strong options.
May 31, 2024Raylee Heiden
June brings new beginnings with warmer weather and an array of art opportunities. Raylee Heiden rounds up both indoor and "plein air" options.
April 30, 2024Jason N. Le
May ushers in a shift in seasons (hopefully!) and the opportunity to shift perspectives. Jason N. Le offers, for the last time, a selection of not-to-be-missed art occasions and events.
April 3, 2024Jason N. Le
April ushers in spring and plenty of new exhibits and shows. Jason N. Le rounds up some promising offerings from around the state.
March 4, 2024Jason N. Le
For March, Jason N. Le introduces a variety of exhibitions that, from different vantage points, consider how humans make sense of our world. The options range from monsters to machines to meteorites.
January 31, 2024Jason N. Le
Commitment to New Year's Resolutions may be waning but February's art offerings remind us of the benefits of thoughtful attention and contemplation.
January 3, 2024Jason N. Le
The new year brings new exhibitions to galleries and art venues across the state. Jason N. Le introduces some highlights.
December 4, 2023Jason N. Le
December's Visual Arts listings include a 7-foot print, suspended knots, and elephants. The end of the year may be upon us but there is still plenty to see before we bid farewell to 2023.
November 1, 2023Jason N. Le
November sweeps in the wet and cold but there is plenty to relish in this month's offerings. Jason N. Le introduces a vibrant array of art to encounter.
October 2, 2023Jason N. Le
The delightful vagueness of the term abstract means that it is a perfect binder for many of October's art offerings. Also this month, Portland Open Studios celebrates its 25th anniversary and the Sitka Art International celebrates its 29th year.
August 29, 2023Jason N. Le
Converge 45 brings a suite of compelling shows to Portland-area art spaces and there is plenty to see around the state as well. Jason N. Le has the intel on September's art events.
July 31, 2023Jason N. Le
August's selections of art exhibitions and events highlight artists sharing their vision of the world with viewers. The results cover everything from beach debris to John Travolta.
June 30, 2023Jason N. Le
Summer is here! Jason N. Le's round-up of July shows features group shows, retrospectives, and solo exhibitions inspired by everything from the otherworldly to the intimately personal.
May 30, 2023Jason N. Le
June's art offerings explore the phenomena of memory in a variety of media including paint, performance, and piñata paper.
May 3, 2023Jason N. Le
Warmer weather is here - at least for now! Celebrate by heading out to take in some art at any of these enticing offerings.
April 2, 2023Jason N. Le
April pushes us further into spring and there's plenty of art to see all over the state. VizArts Monthly has recommendations for everything from paintings to recycled fabrics to suspended plant matter.
March 1, 2023Jason N. Le
March may be starting off with some residual snow but spring is around the corner and there's plenty of art to see in the meantime. Jason N. Le has the highlights in VizArts Monthly.
February 2, 2023Lindsay Costello
Don't miss Lindsay Costello's gathering of February's most enticing art exhibitions and events. There's augmented reality, calligraphy, and monsters.
January 5, 2023Lindsay Costello
January's art offerings are the perfect antidote to the gray skies. Lindsay Costello surveys what's on view in this month's VizArts Monthly.
November 30, 2022Lindsay Costello
The weather outside may be frightful but there is plenty of art (inside!) to explore this month. Lindsay Costello rounds up December's noteworthy offerings.
November 1, 2022Lindsay Costello
The weather may be gloomy but Lindsay Costello has plenty of art offerings and happenings to brighten up the shorter days.
October 4, 2022Lindsay Costello
October means falling leaves and the return of Portland TextileX Month. Lindsay Costello's VizArts Monthly has October's art to see and events to attend.
September 1, 2022Lindsay Costello
PICA’s Time-Based Art Festival is the marquee event in the September art scene, but there are plenty of other offerings from watercolors to pen-and-ink drawings to multimedia cairns.
August 3, 2022Lindsay Costello
August is for art and there's plenty to see! Lindsay Costello rounds up the month's offerings in galleries and alternative venues.